

Chitoce Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") will promote the protection of personal information by complying with the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations, by establishing a personal information protection system as follows, and ensuring that all employees are aware of the importance of protecting personal information and the measures to be taken.

1.Basic Policy
To keep customers' personal information accurate and up-to-date, and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, or leakage of personal information, the Company takes necessary measures including maintaining a security system, developing a management system, conducting thorough employee training, implementing safety measures, and strictly managing personal information.
2.Name, address and representative of the business handling personal information
Chitoce Engineering Co., Ltd 1-4-4 Shibatacho, Minami-ku, Nagoya 457-0815, Japan
CEO Joichi Okamoto
3.Purpose of Use of Personal Information
Personal information received from customers will be used for the following purposes.
  • To provide and operate the Company's services
  • To respond to inquiries from customers
  • To provide guidance on products and services handled by the Company
  • To contact the customer as necessary, such as maintenance and important notices
  • To hire employees and for personnel management
  • For uses incidental to the above purposes of use
If it becomes necessary to use personal information for purposes other than the above, the Company will obtain the customer's consent for such use.
4.Disclosure, Correction, and Suspension of use of Personal Information
  • If the customer's personal information held by the Company is incorrect, the customer may request the Company to correct or suspend the use of the personal information in accordance with the Company's prescribed procedures.
  • If the Company receives a request from a customer as set forth in the preceding paragraph and deem it necessary to respond to the request, the Company will correct or suspend the use of the personal information without delay and notify the relevant customer.
5.Joint Use of Personal Information
The Company may provide acquired personal information to its group companies for the purpose of providing services, conducting sales activities, and managing, improving, and enhancing the operations of its group companies.
[Scope of Joint Use]
The Company and its domestic group companies
[The person responsible for the management of personal information]
CEO Joichi Okamoto
6.Prohibition of Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
The Company will appropriately manage personal information received from customers and will not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases.
  • When there is consent from the customer
  • When the Company discloses to a contractor to which the Company outsources business in order to perform the service requested by the customer
  • When it is necessary to disclose the information based on laws and regulations
7.Security Management Measures for Personal Information
The Company takes organizational, physical, personnel, and technical measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of personal information received from customers.
8.Use of Google Analytics
This site uses Google Analytics for site analysis and improvement purposes. In doing so, Google may set cookies in your browser or access existing cookies to collect data. In addition, your web browser automatically sends Google certain non-personal information (e.g., the web address or IP address of the page you visit). This site may use such information for purposes such as understanding site usage and improving the site experience. By using this site, the user grants Google and the site administrator permission to process such data as described above, for the stated methods and purposes. The method of collecting and using access information by Google is stipulated in the Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy.
A cookie is a piece of code that enables a website (or a third-party service like Google Analytics) to store information in the browser of the user's device and retrieve it later. However, please be assured that the site administrator cannot obtain the personal information (name, date of birth, telephone number, email address, etc.) of site users from the cookies set on this site.
Note: Cookies can also be rejected by adjusting the settings in the user's browser. However, in such cases, some of the functions of the site may become unavailable.
9.Encrypted Communication (SSL)
This site uses SSL (encrypted communication) when receiving information for inquiries, etc.
SSL encrypts the entered information before transmission. The Company is committed to prevent troubles such as loss, falsification, leakage, and unauthorized access of information, ensuring your safe usage.
10.Inquiry of the Person
If a customer wishes to inquire, correct, or delete their personal information, the Company will respond after verifying the identity of the customer.
11.Compliance with and Review of Laws, Regulations, and Norms
The Company will comply with Japanese laws, regulations and other norms applicable to personal information it holds, and will review and improve the contents of this policy as appropriate.
For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information at the Company, please contact the following:
Chitoce Engineering Co., Ltd
1-4-4 Shibatacho, Minami-ku, Nagoya 457-0815, Japan
Tel +81-52-627-1214

To those in charge of purchasing
and development at companies

  • Customized specifications
  • Small quantity lots
  • Multi-product
  • Nationwide correspondence
  • Overseas correspondence

If you have any questions about whether we can handle specific processing, or concerns regarding the complexity of a client's requirements, the delivery date, or insufficient stock, please feel free to contact us.
We will respond promptly and sincerely by craftsmen who have acquired the skills and knowledge that have been passed down by hand processing techniques cultivated over 40 years of diverse experiences.

To those in charge of purchasing and development at companies.